Diet for a flat belly

We've all heard it a zillion times in our life, "It's 30% of your exercise and 70% of your diet" and it's true! But what if I tell you that you can eat everything without the fear of gaining weight?
SHOCKED!! OH!! Don't be!! And continue reading...

Today I'm going to give you 5 tips which will change the way you look... READY?
Let's dive in then!

1. The most cliche but the most important: DRINK WATER:
Ya I know, it's really hard. Let's make it easy then... It's mandatory to drink at least 2Litres of water every day. Now the question arises is how?
a). Add flavour to it, make a lemonade.
b). Carry a water bottle where you go. If it will be in front of your eyes you will drink it (psychology).
c). Do cardio exercises, this way your body will need it and you'll drink it.

A few months back, my gym trainer gave me this advice around 7-10 days before my birthday and honestly my belly was super flat till my day. he told me, "after 7 don't eat anything but vegetable salad every day and DO NOT include potatoes". Try it for the next 7 days and let me know if that worked for you too. 

The most effective and easiest way of cutting fat is to intake proteins. You can increase your protein intake by having lean meat, poultry, fish, soy products, nuts etc.

As bad as it sounds, as important as it is your body. Dairy products are high in saturated fats and cholesterol which is not good for your health and body.

5. This one is everybody's favourite: EAT JUNK:
Yes, you read it right. Moreover, I'm really serious. But the twist here is, take small portions of your food, eat with folk and chew properly as it gives food exposure to saliva which helps in proper digestion.

Try them and let me know how it worked for you!!


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